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Movie and Discussion Series:

Don’t Be Tired! – !خسته نباشید
a film directed by Afshin Hashemi & Mohsen Gharaie (2013, Drama, 93 min)

A Canadian couple Roman and Maria find themselves back in Iran, lost in the Shahdad desert of Kerman province. Maria (Maryam) is Iranian born but raised in Canada. Through unforeseen circumstances, Roman, played beautifully by Jalal Fatemi, makes His wife reconnect with her homeland and sense of identity.

Friday April 20th, 2018 at 7 PM in IAC
Door will be open at 6:30 pm
“ورود برای عموم رایگان می باشد”
6790 Top Gun St. #7, San Diego, CA 92121, Info:858-552-9355

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